This simple phrase is the big idea of Lifepoint. We’re not about having a large crowd just so we can say we have a big church. We want every person who comes to our church to be consistently growing in Christ. When you visit Lifepoint you will discover a church that is filled with people of all ages from varying social, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds serving God together. Lifepoint is a church where you can:
This simple phrase is the big idea of Lifepoint. We’re not about having a large crowd just so we can say we have a big church. We want every person who comes to our church to be consistently growing in Christ.
When you visit Lifepoint you will discover a church that is filled with people of all ages from varying social, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds serving God together. Lifepoint is a church where you can:
Experience God’s presence,
Learn God’s teaching,
Share in God’s family,
and Serve God’s mission.
This is not limited to how we do church. It is how we live. Every day we strive to experience, learn, share, and serve. We believe that this is how we will grow ourselves first, and the church as a result.
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